The objective of Ayurveda is to rebalance an individual’s “dosas” to ensure wellness, health and happiness



Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of healthcare. The objective of Ayurveda is to rebalance an individual’s “dosas” to ensure wellness, health and happiness. In Sanskrit, “dosa” is defined as a “fault, mistake or impurity” but commonly used to specify an individual’s constitution type. These constitution types are Vata, Pitta and Kapha or a combination. 



At the Ayurveda consultation, Harshini will take the clients pulse reading and tongue diagnosis and a detailed personal history to ascertain primary health concerns. The client’s current diet and lifestyle will be reviewed to identify specific areas that may lead to imbalances. To address imbalances, a customised program will be suggested incorporating diet and lifestyle changes, the prescription of individualised Ayurvedic herbs and other Ayurvedic treatment modalities such as cleansing and daily routines.



Ayurveda uses diet, daily regime, lifestyle changes, herbs and various treatments to return equilibrium to the body and mind.

Harshini has a First-class Honours BSc and MSc degrees in Ayurvedic Medicine, complementing her Master’s and Honour’s Business Administration degrees. She continues her leaning though various CPD seminars offered by the Ayurvedic Professional’s Association as well as personal Ayurveda treatments at clinics in Sri Lanka and India.



Ayurveda is premised on the notion that all disease stems from imbalance of the dosas resulting from indulgence in unhealthy foods, incompatible food combining, unwholesome activities both physical and mental. In addition to the dosas, Ayurvedic clinical assessment analyses the individual’s tissues, waste production, digestive capability, channels of circulation and immunity.